hohoho. morning woke up at around 7 and prepared myself to go school fo the SPGG open house. board the train and saw BaoYing and Qiulin in the train. trained to school together. reached school and walked to SPGG with JieHui cause we are very worried for our balloons, eally very scared that they will burst. thank goodness hat most of them are still in good condition. helped out in the setting up of games stalls as the swimming carnival will only start at the noon. yarh, the whole open house was like.... yarh, you know.... nevemind at around 4p.m. i left in advance cause there is a photoshoot for the concert brochure. eached troupe at around 5plus. got changed and start tying up the hair and putting up the make-ups. this is my first time doing a photoshoot and its really fun and tiring. the whole photoshoot last for about 2hours plus. packed up and home sweet home.
i'm seriously so so so tired now. my eyes are so tired and i don't think my body is able to take it. somemore there's quite a number of assignments undone which need to be handed up in few days time. i couldn't find any time to complete it! and i have not started any of my revision! also, the following weeks, troupe is giving us long hours practice and also night practice! hope i can endure till the concert ends and wish that i will not do badly for my end of semerter 1 test. days are passing faster and faster each day. i feel so weak and slow that i couldn't catch up woth the pase. it's like i'm only in year one and i'm like a zombie. what will happened to me in my 3rd year in poly?! collapse and die? ahahhahahahahs...
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
DES Dance Concert
today had dance in the morning. i was so so so tired that i almost couldn't woke up. then reached there and had Audrey and Chee Seng's dance till around 12.30 plus. after that trained home and had a small half an hour nap after doing some stuff. left home at around 4plus and tarined to City Hall to meet XueQi and Jophia. went shopping there and headed to Raffles Place, Victoria Theatre to watch DES's Dance concert, Butterfly Dreams 《梦蝶。叠梦》. it's a 3-in-1 concert. it includes dance, singing and acting. all done by the DES performing artists.
i seriously love one section the best. the story is so touching and they can bring us into the story whee people will cry. thats the part i like the most. others was alight.
seriously, i think that theconcert pesented by DES is so linking to Horizon! i don't know whether did others feel the same thing as i do but this concert is really a nice production.
**i want their booklet!! i did not buy it!! OMG!! why didn't i buy it?!**
after the concert, as instructed by Huang Laoshi, we went up to the stage to congratulate the peformers for their successfull pefomance. waved goodbye to them and headed to MacDonalds for supper. eat and talked alot till 11plus then we train home.
i seriously love one section the best. the story is so touching and they can bring us into the story whee people will cry. thats the part i like the most. others was alight.
seriously, i think that theconcert pesented by DES is so linking to Horizon! i don't know whether did others feel the same thing as i do but this concert is really a nice production.
**i want their booklet!! i did not buy it!! OMG!! why didn't i buy it?!**
after the concert, as instructed by Huang Laoshi, we went up to the stage to congratulate the peformers for their successfull pefomance. waved goodbye to them and headed to MacDonalds for supper. eat and talked alot till 11plus then we train home.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
十二星座的性格: 天蝎座
天蝎座是一个强烈的星座。他们的爱与恨,他们的人生观点,他们的生活方式,都充满了强烈二字,他们强烈的爱憎,强烈的需求,强烈的追求&索取,而这些强烈的成分,也使天蝎座变得倔强而坚强。沉默外表下的暗潮汹涌. 天蝎座的外表往往看起来很老实,他们看起来安分守己,中规中矩,并不会第一眼就给人留下深刻印象。但是如果以为他们真的如此一般,那就是大错特错。天蝎们内心总是暗潮汹涌,他们对人生有着强烈的眷恋&希冀,他们渴望权利,渴望金钱,更渴望爱情。他们常常不动声色,让人误以为他们沉默乏味。但是那其实只是他们在审时度势的不断观察。他们的目标其实一贯都很明确,但他们是小心谨慎的,他们从不轻易暴露自己心中的想法。他们有着长期观察和考验的过程。不论是他们谋求一个职位还是得到一个人。一旦他们感到有把握,他们就会立刻出击,动作迅速,毫不犹豫,而且往往一击致胜。 强烈而持久的激情 天蝎们的暗潮汹涌,令他们非常具有爆发力,而他们的爆发力之后又有着强烈持久的激情。 这或许也可以作为天蝎何以总是排在排名前五的状况。他们诞生的时间,恰是步入中年时期的开端,个人开始卯足全力,以期能在未来达到巅峰。所以,天蝎们具备了许多分裂不融合的特质,而也使他们拥有比其他星座更多的持久能力。他们富有激情,而且是长期持久的激情。这在其他星座那里是鲜见的。他们如果认定了的人或事,是很难发生喜新厌旧的状态。所以他们最善于婚外情。因为他们太强烈,需要太多,而他们又如此稳定,所以可以保持更多。 表里不一的报复心态 天蝎们表面看来并没有那么强烈的特质,他们往往显得文静柔弱。但是他们内心坚如磐石,他们有着强烈的自我守护及占有欲望。但是天蝎们并不是真的那么心狠手辣。他们确实会坚定不移的报复那些曾经伤害他们的人,但是更多时候,天蝎们只是在心里想想而已。他们绝对不宽容,但是他们也并不是真的有他们自己想象中的心狠手辣,即便是成功报复后,他们也往往会自己承受一段时间的痛苦煎熬,这令天蝎们反复焦灼,也更体现了天蝎座矛盾的性格。极端矛盾的性格组合 虽然矛盾是人生的一大特征,但是没有比天蝎座更能体现这个词汇含义的星座了。这个星座的人天生就在强烈的矛盾感中度过。这源于他们出生的时间就是开始尝试交融各种互相对立的矛盾事物的阶段。他们的表现有时候非常奇怪,让人觉得他们神秘莫测,他们对人的方式有时候非常晦涩,让人揣摩不到他们的真实意图,你以为他们所作所为是因为想要得到A,而真实答案是,他们要的可能不是A也不是B&C,而是D! 所以要尝试了解天蝎座人,确实需要经过漫长的磨合过程,要适应他们突然狂躁突然沉默的性格特征。在天蝎们要真正接纳一个人的时候,他们的状态是反复无常的,但是经过了这段时间的斗志斗勇后,天蝎们就会将你真正接受,而且基本能做到不离不弃。天蝎座们许多人穷其一生都会感到焦灼&痛苦,因为他们的欲望太强烈&执着,而他们的性格又异常的倔强和坚强。他们需要的不仅仅是成功。其实他们常常是成功的,但是因为他们永远奋进的执着理想,和他们对美好事物的强烈占有欲望,使他们一生都在不端追寻而无法停下脚步,享受安逸的生活现状。天蝎们可以考量常常同双鱼们相处。从他们那里能学习到悲天悯人的纯真情怀,也能逐步放下紧张焦灼的状态。
天蝎座是一个强烈的星座。他们的爱与恨,他们的人生观点,他们的生活方式,都充满了强烈二字,他们强烈的爱憎,强烈的需求,强烈的追求&索取,而这些强烈的成分,也使天蝎座变得倔强而坚强。沉默外表下的暗潮汹涌. 天蝎座的外表往往看起来很老实,他们看起来安分守己,中规中矩,并不会第一眼就给人留下深刻印象。但是如果以为他们真的如此一般,那就是大错特错。天蝎们内心总是暗潮汹涌,他们对人生有着强烈的眷恋&希冀,他们渴望权利,渴望金钱,更渴望爱情。他们常常不动声色,让人误以为他们沉默乏味。但是那其实只是他们在审时度势的不断观察。他们的目标其实一贯都很明确,但他们是小心谨慎的,他们从不轻易暴露自己心中的想法。他们有着长期观察和考验的过程。不论是他们谋求一个职位还是得到一个人。一旦他们感到有把握,他们就会立刻出击,动作迅速,毫不犹豫,而且往往一击致胜。 强烈而持久的激情 天蝎们的暗潮汹涌,令他们非常具有爆发力,而他们的爆发力之后又有着强烈持久的激情。 这或许也可以作为天蝎何以总是排在排名前五的状况。他们诞生的时间,恰是步入中年时期的开端,个人开始卯足全力,以期能在未来达到巅峰。所以,天蝎们具备了许多分裂不融合的特质,而也使他们拥有比其他星座更多的持久能力。他们富有激情,而且是长期持久的激情。这在其他星座那里是鲜见的。他们如果认定了的人或事,是很难发生喜新厌旧的状态。所以他们最善于婚外情。因为他们太强烈,需要太多,而他们又如此稳定,所以可以保持更多。 表里不一的报复心态 天蝎们表面看来并没有那么强烈的特质,他们往往显得文静柔弱。但是他们内心坚如磐石,他们有着强烈的自我守护及占有欲望。但是天蝎们并不是真的那么心狠手辣。他们确实会坚定不移的报复那些曾经伤害他们的人,但是更多时候,天蝎们只是在心里想想而已。他们绝对不宽容,但是他们也并不是真的有他们自己想象中的心狠手辣,即便是成功报复后,他们也往往会自己承受一段时间的痛苦煎熬,这令天蝎们反复焦灼,也更体现了天蝎座矛盾的性格。极端矛盾的性格组合 虽然矛盾是人生的一大特征,但是没有比天蝎座更能体现这个词汇含义的星座了。这个星座的人天生就在强烈的矛盾感中度过。这源于他们出生的时间就是开始尝试交融各种互相对立的矛盾事物的阶段。他们的表现有时候非常奇怪,让人觉得他们神秘莫测,他们对人的方式有时候非常晦涩,让人揣摩不到他们的真实意图,你以为他们所作所为是因为想要得到A,而真实答案是,他们要的可能不是A也不是B&C,而是D! 所以要尝试了解天蝎座人,确实需要经过漫长的磨合过程,要适应他们突然狂躁突然沉默的性格特征。在天蝎们要真正接纳一个人的时候,他们的状态是反复无常的,但是经过了这段时间的斗志斗勇后,天蝎们就会将你真正接受,而且基本能做到不离不弃。天蝎座们许多人穷其一生都会感到焦灼&痛苦,因为他们的欲望太强烈&执着,而他们的性格又异常的倔强和坚强。他们需要的不仅仅是成功。其实他们常常是成功的,但是因为他们永远奋进的执着理想,和他们对美好事物的强烈占有欲望,使他们一生都在不端追寻而无法停下脚步,享受安逸的生活现状。天蝎们可以考量常常同双鱼们相处。从他们那里能学习到悲天悯人的纯真情怀,也能逐步放下紧张焦灼的状态。
你是幾號戀人 ? 心理測驗號戀人:每月 7日、16 日、25日出生者
7號戀人的神秘感,讓他們有一種說不上來的性感和魅力。7 號戀人可說是天生的戀人,認為戀愛關係必須具備性原始的吸引力。7號戀人擁有非常豐富的想像力,在7 號戀人的愛情裡,幻想的成分要比其他戀人大得多哩!因此,在戀愛關係中,7號戀人也盡量避免正面表露或接受愛意,他們喜歡且擅長用暗示、蛇行的方式前進,因為太 直接的方式只能有一種意義 ─就是字面上的意義,如此一來,7號戀人賴以維生的想像的空間便會消失殆盡。 7號戀人就像是「天生的孤獨者」,通常7號的戀人喜歡自己和自己作伴,喜歡自己決定、安排生活,在戀人關係中也比較以自我為考量。所以呢, 7號戀人也叫做「part time lover」,兼職的情人,他們無法全天候待命,很需要自我的空間。若和 7號戀人感情想要走得長久,對方必須要能夠給予很大的空間和距離。失戀癥結點:過於敏感的7號戀人,為了避免無謂的衝突,常常選擇以一種不在乎、冷漠的態度面對事物,卻也常常造成伴侶的誤解和傷害。 你是哪種7號戀人?每月7日出生的7 號戀人:7日出生的戀人喜歡獨來獨往,偏偏看似無人可親近,越讓他們的身價上揚!
7號戀人的神秘感,讓他們有一種說不上來的性感和魅力。7 號戀人可說是天生的戀人,認為戀愛關係必須具備性原始的吸引力。7號戀人擁有非常豐富的想像力,在7 號戀人的愛情裡,幻想的成分要比其他戀人大得多哩!因此,在戀愛關係中,7號戀人也盡量避免正面表露或接受愛意,他們喜歡且擅長用暗示、蛇行的方式前進,因為太 直接的方式只能有一種意義 ─就是字面上的意義,如此一來,7號戀人賴以維生的想像的空間便會消失殆盡。 7號戀人就像是「天生的孤獨者」,通常7號的戀人喜歡自己和自己作伴,喜歡自己決定、安排生活,在戀人關係中也比較以自我為考量。所以呢, 7號戀人也叫做「part time lover」,兼職的情人,他們無法全天候待命,很需要自我的空間。若和 7號戀人感情想要走得長久,對方必須要能夠給予很大的空間和距離。失戀癥結點:過於敏感的7號戀人,為了避免無謂的衝突,常常選擇以一種不在乎、冷漠的態度面對事物,卻也常常造成伴侶的誤解和傷害。 你是哪種7號戀人?每月7日出生的7 號戀人:7日出生的戀人喜歡獨來獨往,偏偏看似無人可親近,越讓他們的身價上揚!
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Hi friends/ viewers,
As some of you know that i joined a dance troupe outside, i'm here to promote my dance troupe's upcoming production. Its our annual dance concert and this year it is named as "Why Not Dance". This is my first concert performance and I'll be performing 4 items in this production. It's a rare chance that you guys can see me dancing on stage. hahahas. So is any one interested to come and watch and support me? if interested to come and watch and support me, please give me a notice either via mail or leave a message at my tagboard.
Details of Concert:
Date/ Day: 19th September 2009, Saturday.
Venue: Victoria Theatre
Time/ Duration: start @ 8p.m/ 1.5hrs
Ticket price: $20 for adults, $15 for student.
As some of you know that i joined a dance troupe outside, i'm here to promote my dance troupe's upcoming production. Its our annual dance concert and this year it is named as "Why Not Dance". This is my first concert performance and I'll be performing 4 items in this production. It's a rare chance that you guys can see me dancing on stage. hahahas. So is any one interested to come and watch and support me? if interested to come and watch and support me, please give me a notice either via mail or leave a message at my tagboard.
Details of Concert:
Date/ Day: 19th September 2009, Saturday.
Venue: Victoria Theatre
Time/ Duration: start @ 8p.m/ 1.5hrs
Ticket price: $20 for adults, $15 for student.
another quiz i took in facebook, What Your Birth Date Reveals About You!
Tham Wen Hui, birthday date : 07
Born on the 7th day of month gives you a tendency to be something of a perfectionist and makes you more individualistic in many ways. Your mind is good at deep mental analysis and complicated reasoning. You are very psychic and sensitive, and you should usually follow your hunches. You may not take orders too well, so you may want to work alone or in a situation where you can be the boss. This birthday gives a tendency to be somewhat self-centered and a little stubborn.
Queen Elizabeth 1, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Sir Isaac Newton, William Wordsworth and Billy Graham were born under the number 7.
Tham Wen Hui, birthday date : 07
Born on the 7th day of month gives you a tendency to be something of a perfectionist and makes you more individualistic in many ways. Your mind is good at deep mental analysis and complicated reasoning. You are very psychic and sensitive, and you should usually follow your hunches. You may not take orders too well, so you may want to work alone or in a situation where you can be the boss. This birthday gives a tendency to be somewhat self-centered and a little stubborn.
Queen Elizabeth 1, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Sir Isaac Newton, William Wordsworth and Billy Graham were born under the number 7.
i took a quiz What Your Birth Month Says about you" in the facebook! and the following is my result:
Tham Wen Hui, Your are :
Has a lot of ideas
Difficult to fathom
Thinks forward
Unique and brilliant
Extraordinary ideas
Sharp thinking
Fine and strong clairvoyance
Can become good doctors
Dynamic in personality
Knows how to dig secrets
Always thinking
Less talkative but amiable
Brave and generous
Stubborn and hard-hearted
If there is a will, there is a way
Never give up
Hardly becomes angry unless provoked
Loves to be alone
Thinks differently from others
Sharp-mindedMotivates oneself
Does not appreciate praises
Well-built and tough
Deep love and emotions
RomanticUncertain in relationships
High abilities
Honest and keeps secrets
Not able to control emotions
**i find it quite true and accurate and hence i post it here to share^-^
Tham Wen Hui, Your are :
Has a lot of ideas
Difficult to fathom
Thinks forward
Unique and brilliant
Extraordinary ideas
Sharp thinking
Fine and strong clairvoyance
Can become good doctors
Dynamic in personality
Knows how to dig secrets
Always thinking
Less talkative but amiable
Brave and generous
Stubborn and hard-hearted
If there is a will, there is a way
Never give up
Hardly becomes angry unless provoked
Loves to be alone
Thinks differently from others
Sharp-mindedMotivates oneself
Does not appreciate praises
Well-built and tough
Deep love and emotions
RomanticUncertain in relationships
High abilities
Honest and keeps secrets
Not able to control emotions
**i find it quite true and accurate and hence i post it here to share^-^
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